September is a very exciting month for us at Crowthorne Health & Wellness Centres. Not only is is Dr Michael’s birthday this month! (Happy Birthday Dr Pim!) but also because September 18th is Chiropractic Founder’s Day, a day that evolved healthcare and provided a different perspective on the art of healing. 127 years ago, this day marked the beginning of a discipline that changed the lives of millions of people who have now healed and are leading better lives with the help of chiropractic adjustments. What is Chiropractic Founder's Day? The first chiropractic adjustment was given by Dr. Daniel David Palmer to a janitor named Harvey Lillard. Harvey had lost most of his hearing 17 years earlier after hearing a popping sound in his neck while he was scrubbing with his brush. D.D. Palmer heard Lillard on the landing outside his office with some of the other janitorial staff. D.D. went out to listen to Lillard tell a joke. Everyone laughed, and D.D. gave Lillard a friendly slap on the back with a book. A few days later, Lillard came to D.D Palmer’s office and told him that since that time, his hearing had improved. DD Palmer. spent a few more days putting the pieces together. Then, on September 18th, 1895, he called Lillard into his office. After 30 minutes of convincing, he persuaded Lillard to lay flat on his stomach. D.D. examined Lillard’s back, found that a vertebra was out of place, and gave a sharp thrust with his hands to put the vertebra back into place. Within minutes, Lillard was able to hear the ticking of a pocket watch for the first time in seventeen years. This event led to the formation of the Palmer School of Chiropractic in 1897. Chiropractic TODAY
Today, chiropractic is recognised as the largest natural healing art. Chiropractic has gained this status as a result of the incredible results that it has enjoyed in helping millions of people to express more life. Whilst chiropractic does not claim to cure any disease or treat the symptoms of body malfunction, regular chiropractic care has been shown over and over again to be beneficial as an integral part of a person’s health regimen. A body functioning at its maximum potential is better able to express life and maintain balance and harmony with its environment. As a result, chiropractic is spreading around the world as more people realise the importance of an interference-free nerve supply and seek the benefits of a chiropractic adjustment. There’s No Time Like The Present Regular chiropractic care is one of the most important things you can do for your body today to insure your future good health. No matter what your age, your body will create more health and vitality for you with an interference-free nerve supply. Come to the practice this month and celebrate founders day with us. Ask Dr Michael for more information on the first chiropractic adjustment and how chiropractic can help you!
September 2024
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