Have you ever experienced getting an electrical shock when touching something or someone? That’s a sign that too much electricity is building up in your body. Think of it like overloading the circuitry. In your home, your circuit breaker trips so a fire doesn’t break out. Your body’s circuit breaker is not so forgiving. Overloading your system can be dangerous which is why it is important to pay close attention to the clues and cues your body gives you.
In our last newsletter, we talked about the benefits of chiropractic and how adjustments keep the electricity “on” in your body. That electrical energy flowing through your body also has to flow out or it will be trapped and start to cause serious problems for your organs, tissues, and cells. Regularly grounding or “Earthing” your body helps to dissipate the charges that are accumulating in your body causing stress on your nervous system. What is Grounding? Grounding or Earthing is really simple. This is basically your body being in contact with the Earth. Walking barefoot on the grass or at the beach are common ways we experience the effects of grounding. This gives your body (and you) a sense of calm, ease, and allows your body to relax and not have to work so hard to keep itself from burning out. Earth is a conductor of electricity. When you take your shoes off and put your feet to the grass, your body absorbs free electrons from the Earth. Once these electrons are inside your body, it acts as an antioxidant which provides many health and healing benefits. Dr. Stephen Sinatra, MD, FACC, FACN, CNS, a board certified cardiologist and certified bioenergetic analyst with over 35 years of experience in helping patients prevent and reverse heart disease said, "One of the most important dividends of Earthing is that it helps balance the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the largely involuntary part of the nervous system that regulates mainly visceral body business like heart and respiration rates, digestion, perspiration, urination, and even sexual arousal." A study that Dr. Sinatra cited in his article showed that 40-minutes of grounding sessions confirmed a balancing effect on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and restoration of normal tone that reduces the stress response. These responses go beyond basic relaxation and may explain, in part, the repeated reports from people who experience lower blood pressure and improved arrhythmias after they start Earthing. How To Ground Your Body The simple answer is to take your footwear off and put your bare feet directly on the grass, sand, or soil. The connection to the Earth will instantly begin normalizing the natural flow of electricity that should be happening daily throughout your body. Anything bottled up will find a way to be released. Many people report deeper and more restful sleep, immediate sense of calm, and lower levels of stress and inflammation symptoms. Other Grounding Tips:
For more information on how your body’s electrical system may be affecting your health contact Dr. Michael Pim, DC today!
To get a message from your brain to the rest of your body, you need electricity. Think about how many times you’d need to get a message somewhere in your body at any given point. Every single action taking place physiologically requires an electrical signal.
A good signal is why you can read this article. A bad one (or a blocked one) could result in not being able to see these words or understand them. Now think of all the things that are going on IN your body at this very moment that you cannot see. Your heart is beating, your lungs are breathing, your blood is flowing, your cells are moving around your body, your muscles are holding you up, your digestive system is working, and billions of other miracles are working together to keep you alive and well. A university study measured the amount of electricity the average human produces at rest and at their peak. The bulk of the energy was utilized for vital tasks required to keep the body functioning. We’d literally be dead without electricity. How to keep the electricity ON in your body! Chiropractors check, detect, and correct subluxations. Subluxations are the blockages that either lessen or completely stop the flow of electrical impulses needed to operate every part of your body. Imagine the electricity that runs through your home suddenly getting cut off. Either the light bulb needs to be changed, the wiring is old and not working or the supply has been cut off. When your body experiences subluxations, it is basically like the electricity supply cutting off. We don’t necessarily think of our brain synapses needing the spark to turn our eyes on to see or to pump blood through our hearts. But without it, we definitely feel its effects. The best way to keep our bodies in a state of HEALTH is to keep up with chiropractic appointments. Chiropractors are prevention doctors more than anything, so the regular visits are like regular visits to the gym. They do your body good by consistency. For more information on how to keep your body’s lights turned on, contact Dr. Michael here. To YOUR health, Crowthorne Family Chiropractic Centre |
August 2024
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