Please allow up to 45 minutes for your first visit and 30 minutes for regular sessions. |
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles through your skin at strategic points to help the flow of energy and life force (known as Qi) along the meridians that exist in your body.
What does it do?
It helps to relieve stress, discomfort and/or blockages so that the body can function more optimally.
Dr. Michael Pim DC, DA'c is a chiropractor as well as an acupuncturist. He has been providing acupuncture for over 25 years and graduated from the world renown Open International University in Sri Lanka. He trained under the distinguished Professor Dr. Anton Jayasuriya, MD who taught complementary medicine to hundreds of thousands of people in over 140 countries. He's also hosted over 60 medical conferences and World Congresses in over 110 countries.
Articles of interest on acupuncture:
- Natural News article on acupuncture.
- Mayo Clinic: Results from studies on acupuncture.
- Active: Benefits of Acupuncture for Athletes.
- Everyday Health: Acupuncture and Anxiety.